Registered Apprenticeship Training Investment
Through an ApprenticeshipUSA State Expansion Grant, the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation (DLR) is investing in South Dakota employers who provide training through Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP).
The program must be registered with the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship before applying for the incentive. Learn more about developing and registering a program.
Funding for this incentive is first-come, first-served, and is a rolling application process. The funding is available from Jan. 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023, or until funds are expended.
After a new apprentice has completed the first 90 days of the apprenticeship, a business may be eligible to receive $1,000.
- Business and new apprentice must coordinate with DLR at least two to four weeks BEFORE the start of RAP training.
- Business will submit verifying documentation to DLR of active apprentice(s) in their RAP.
Step 1: DLR Business Registration
Complete the following forms and email to
- Registered Apprenticeship Provider Packet – Includes Form 10a and Form 70 (Adobe Sign)
- Provide a copy of each occupation(s) Appendix A as part of the RAP Standards. These documents can be obtained through the RAP sponsor.
Step 2: DLR Apprentice Enrollment
The apprentice will work with a DLR Employment Specialist to complete the enrollment process and receive ongoing support throughout their RAP.
To begin the enrollment process, submit a Request Form, and your apprentice will be contacted by DLR to complete the process.
Step 3: Apprentice Registration Verification
Business submits the following documentation to DLR after apprentice has completed enrollment:
- ETA 671 (Apprenticeship Agreement) to verify training start date. This agreement is in the U.S. DOL Office of Apprenticeship RAPIDS database.
- Registered Apprentice Program On-the-Job Learning Plan Agreement (Form 51)
Step 4: Request Payment
After 90 days of RAP training and apprentice status verification, payment will then be released to business following the Provider Payment Authorization (Form 70, completed in Step 1). Use of investment funds is encouraged to offset costs related to training needs (e.g., supplies, salaries, supportive services, related technical instruction, etc.).